Denzel Sumlin, LCSW:

Hello, my name is Denzel Sumlin and I am from Bakersfield, California. I am currently a Director of Clinical Services for an inpatient hospital. I have approximately 18 years in mental health experience, including corrections, child therapy, and inpatient treatment.

Speciality: Anxiety, Adjustment, ADHD, Autism, Transitions, Grief + Loss, Developmental Disabilities, Depression, Co-parenting Conflict, Defiance/Aggression, Identity Development, Learning Disabilities, School Issues, Social Skills Training, OCD, Parent-Child Conflict, Separation Anxiety, Phobias. Trauma, PTSD

Works with: All Ages

Approach: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), Solution Focused

Style: Unconditional positive regard

Masters in Social Work at California State University, Bakersfield

Licensed in California

Meet your Therapist

Fun Facts:

Proudest Moment: Having healthy daughters

SuperPower: Working with patient's emotion, injecting logic, and the balancing of both.

Free Time: I like to spend time with my family and catch up on movies that we've missed.

I feel that working with families provides perspective on the family system and relationship framework. The family is interconnected and all the parts of the family interact with one another. The therapist becomes the "mechanic" for the "engine" of the family.